
  • Call for First Round Submissions

    March 9, 2016

    Entrants submitted their initial makerspace plans.

  • First Round Submission Deadline

    April 1, 2016

    The Challenge stopped accepting submissions at 11:59PM ET on Friday, April 1.

  • CTE Makeover Bootcamp

    April 11 - May 22, 2016

    The CTE Makeover Bootcamp offered participants resources to improve and expand upon plans and designs for their makerspaces. Resources and expert guidance were provided on a variety of topics including educational programming, design, and community engagement.

  • Blueprint Deadline

    May 22, 2016

    Entrants submitted their Blueprints.

  • Prize Winners Announced

    June 17, 2016

    Prize winners were announced at the White House Champions of Change for Making event.

  • Makerspace Build Out

    June - September 2016

    Prize winners will implement their design plans.

  • current stage

    Prize Winner Showcase

    October 1, 2016 at the World Maker Faire

    Prize winners will present a video tour of their constructed makerspaces.